SimuTech Group, the largest ANSYS channel partner across North America, performed a computational fluid dynamics analysis (CFD) test for Toyota and its supplier Tiercon. SimuTech used ANSYS CFD software to conduct aerodynamic comparison studies on the new PLUS Performance Package for Toyota’s hybrid vehicle. SimuTech engineers performed simulations to determine optimum airflow across the vehicle’s outer body. As a result of using the software, the engineers verified that the ground effects kit developed for this new package provided an overall improvement in aerodynamic drag.
According to Alan McKim, SimuTech vice-president of customer service, “We were pleased to work with Toyota and Tiercon to assure they achieved the results they were looking for. SimuTech is ideally positioned to help other companies realize that upfront analysis in the design process helps them save time and money, as well as optimize designs. ANSYS’ advanced physics modeling capabilities combined with engineering expertise can eliminate the need for trial and error testing. Though the majority of our work is providing engineering technical support and guidance to our ANSYS software users, were more than happy to work the Tiercon and Toyota by providing advanced consulting services for this particular analysis.”
SimuTech Group