STAR-CCM+® used to better understand the challenges of running engineering simulations on the clusters of tomorrow.
New York and London. June 11, 2014
CD-adapco™, the largest privately held CFD-focused provider of Computer Aided Engineering software, announced today a long term collaboration project with the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) and SICOS BW. The aim of this ongoing project is to benchmark, profile and ensure the best STAR-CCM+® performance and scalability possible on petascale computing systems.
STAR-CCM+® will initially be run on the 1.045 PetaFlop (113,000 cores) CRAY XE6 machine HERMIT ( and in the future on the 7 Petaflop Cray XC30 HORNET system due for installation in 2014.
“Every year we see an increase in the computing power available to our users,” said CD-adapco™ Senior VP Product Management, Jean-Claude Ercolanelli. “The goal of this project is to understand the challenges of running engineering simulation on the clusters of tomorrow and ensure STAR-CCM+® is ready to meet the future needs of our customers.”
“Performing CFD analysis on petascale systems presents a number of interesting difficulties,” added Uwe Küster,Numerical Methods & Librariesof HLRS. “Simply running the simulation is only half the battle and so issues such as data management, mesh generation and results visualization will also be studied. We are interested in how clusters, such as Hermit, may be used to solve real engineering problems.”
About High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
The High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) of the University of Stuttgart supports researchers from Germany and Europe as well as industry with leading edge supercomputing technology.
Sicos BW GmbH main task is to support SMEs in their access to numerical simulation and high performance computing. The company informs, advises and acts as a broker cross-industry on the application of the most modern and powerful computers and storage systems for product development.
About CD-adapco
CD-adapco ( is the world’s largest privately held CFD focused CAE provider. Our core products are the technology-leading simulation packages, STAR-CCM+ and STAR-CD. The scope of our activities, however, extends well beyond CFD software development to encompass a wide range of CAE engineering services in fluid dynamics, heat transfer and structural engineering. Our ongoing mission is to “inspire innovation and reduce costs through the application of engineering simulation software and services.”
A privately owned company, CD-adapco has maintained 17% organic year-on-year growth over the last 5 years. CD-adapco employs 750 talented individuals, working at 30 different offices across the globe.
Press Contact
Lauren Gautier, CD-adapco
+1 248-277-4600
+1 248-277-4600