The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) has engaged a cross-section of experts to help strengthen the state’s supply chain by better assessing the growth and capabilities of additive manufacturing.
The Advisory Committee for Additive Manufacturing has been formed to provide insights into near and intermediate term additive manufacturing needs. It will meet quarterly to provide advice and recommendations on new projects that can be executed by CCAT and partners to support the Connecticut supply chain.
“The Committee provides expert opinion on major investments that CCAT may envision and technical directions we may elect to pursue,” said Elliot Ginsberg, CCAT President and Chief Executive Officer. “As CCAT continues our push forward in the additive and advanced manufacturing arenas, we want to make sure we are leveraging our assets and expertise in the manner most productive for our state and our stakeholders.”
CCAT operates an Advanced Manufacturing Center in East Hartford where leading-edge technology such as additive is showcased, demonstrated and evaluated. Ginsberg added that partners such as advisory committee members are vital to help guide CCAT’s mission and enable frequent communication and collaboration.
“Additive Manufacturing has been touted as the next ‘Industrial Revolution’ and is rapidly evolving from a research tool into a mainstream manufacturing technology essential to our future success,” said CCAT Chief Technology Officer Tom Maloney. “As additive matures, industry leaders are beginning to understand its significance and the impact it will soon have by displacing or disrupting many traditional manufacturing technologies, supply chains and logistics/distribution as we know them today.”
Advisory Committee members were invited by Ginsberg to meet quarterly. They are experienced in science, technology, manufacturing, government, military affairs and academia: Tom Maloney, CCAT; Jesse Boyer, Pratt & Whitney; Venkat Vedula, United Technologies Research Center; Albert Hammeke, Laser Technology Associates; Austin Glassner, General Dynamics Electric Boat Corporation; Rainer Hebert, University of Connecticut; David Hudson, Joining Technologies, Inc.; Lou Manzione, University of Hartford; Richard Merlino, Addaero Manufacturing; Martin Thorden, GKN Aerospace Engine Systems New England.