Can we constuct buildings on black soil? Which soil preferable for construction red or black soil?
Black soil is topsoil. Some topsoil is red due to greater iron content, but either way, the topsoil is removed and a footing for a building is placed on the stone and/or clay beneath. Even if building on a slab, the topsoil is removed and replaced with clay and stone, and load-bearing sections are trenched to reach the heavier soil beneath.
The black color of some topsoil is caused by organic matter. The clay underneath can be almost black, dark red, or even almost white depending upon amount and type of mineral content.
The colour dosnt make a difference structurally. Footings of any concstruction are done on bedrock/clay, but traditionaly bedrock if they can. They may require reinforcement at times. The colour difference comes from minerals in the soil, red colour is a result of higher iron content.
From an farmers point of view, the black is usually a better choice. Since it does not affect what can be grown there. When high levels of a mineral are detected, it can potentially limit what can be grown there.