Absolutely. In fact it’s already being done. I am not convinced that 3D printing will “disrupt,” as in destroy, manufacturing. I have said before that 3D printing is truly an additive technology in that it enhances and adds value to the Manufacturing industry. I see a day when 3D printers will operate alongside CNCs. But the idea of a combined 3D printer and subtractive machine is a great next step. The article, Will Hybrid Additive/Subtractive Fabrication Devices prove to be the Key to Unlocking an Even More Successful Manufacturing Future?, written by Joshua Johnson goes into some detail on this development. Johnson points out the similarities between the two technologies, and what is available. A number of projects focused on hybridizing existing additive and subtractive technologies are in the works. This article is well worth the read; several good videos in it as well.
Leslie Langnau