Calibration Procedures: The ISO Way

Six Steps to Achieving and Maintaining ISO Certification

ISO accreditation is a major milestone for every company. ISO denotes that the company follows the standard rules and regulations to maintain a level of quality during their calibration processes.

To achieve and maintain the certification from the International Organization for Standardization,

Companies have to follow the guidelines. Some of the procedures that ensure accreditations from ISO are as follows:

Up-to-date records

When calibrating a particular instrument, it is necessary to record even the minutest detail of the procedure as well as the result. This is critical because these records will help you conduct similar calibration procedures in the future.

Let’s take the example of a micrometer. You have calibrated a micrometer and recorded the details in a proper log book. Now the next time when you calibrate the micrometer, the result should be the same as you got on the previous occasion. The record in the log book will help you assess the results. If it is incorrect, then you would need to conduct the calibration process again.

Correct list of instruments

ISO demands that you keep an updated list of the instruments that are used in your company. You also need to include all those instruments in the list that have been standardized by the ISO. One of the biggest oversights made by companies is when instruments are included in the list, but are not physically present. This is when the ISO certifications get rejected.

Audit documentation

Not only is it crucial to calibrate the instruments, it is also necessary to conduct regular audits of the calibration process. A calibration audit provides a detailed report of the changes that have happened in the past couple of years with respect to the instruments. You will need to record these changes in a properly documented way to maintain or acquire an ISO certification.

A well formulated quality module

You will need a well formulated quality module to help keep track of the different calibration requirements in your company. All the quality professionals on the team need to follow the same code according to the module to ensure uniformity in the calibration processes. This module should have a properly documented calibration procedure for all instruments used in the company. ISO certifications are generally accredited to those companies that have a clear and well documented quality module.

The concept of calibration

There are many companies that follow the wrong procedures and concepts of calibration.  That can lead to negative results. One of the primary reasons behind the rejection of ISO certifications is calibration procedures and processes that are incorrect.

Reference instruments

There are many instruments in a company that are used mainly for presentations and marketing promotions rather than in production. These instruments should always be labeled as “reference only” so that at the time of an ISO inspection, these can be separated from the instruments that are used in the production process.

ISO certifications have proven to be worth the effort.  Following the procedures standardized by ISO is the only way of guaranteeing a certification.

Edward Simpson is a seasoned Calibration and Technical Engineer working for RS Calibration Inc. Edward has a knack for finding faults in machines and does not rest until they are rectified to perfection. You can reach Edward at or visit