Mechanical product design is shown to be the leading application in the simulation market.
New analysis released by independent industry analyst firm Cambashi shows that the computer-aided engineering (CAE)simulation industry has surpassed a worth of $5.3 billion. Cambashi announced this in its latest market data resource, the Cambashi CAE Observatory. This observatory provides a comprehensive and quantitative view of the CAE software market.

The Cambashi CAE Observatory presents worldwide revenues for more than 470 non-electronic design automation (EDA) companies that provide 2D and 3D CAE and physics simulation software. Three different areas were explored when categorizing the CAE industry revenues in this observatory: capability, application and industry.
In the first general release of this data, mechanical product design is the leading application in the simulation market, accounting for more than 60 percent of the global market in 2016, as shown in Figure 1. This is significantly more than any other application, and is followed in second by the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC)/civil application with just under 10 percent of the global market. Other applications included in the analysis were biomedical, process &piping, materials, geophysical/climate, shipbuilding & maritime, and vulnerability.
Structures (CSM) is shown to be the leading capability, and the automotive industry spends more on these tools than any other industry segment.
The observatory details the revenues of each of the 470 named vendors in each of these three categories. Therefore, you could utilize the resource to identify, for example, the fastest-growing vendors in the area of acoustics, or the biggest competitors in the high-tech industry.
Cambashi has developed this new resource in collaboration with partner intrinSIM. intrinSIM provides market planning services that can be used to help assess market potential, establish positioning, determine strategy and prepare for taking a product or service to market.In the CAE Observatory, data for the CAE software market is included from 2014 to 2016, along with forecasts out to 2020. The forecasts are based on a combination of Cambashi analysis and econometric data from Oxford Economics.
The Cambashi CAE Observatory will allow CAE market planners to use reliable and authoritative market data in their work. The observatory provides a sound basis for analyzing size, growth, movement and other trends to support market planning.
Learn more about this resource and explore all of Cambashi’s Market Observatories here.