CAD Users to Drive 3D Printing’s Future

CAD users will spur on 3D printing adoption in the next 5 years, but will that group bring the tech to a wider audience?

3D printing, CAD, users, adoption, growth, survey

In a recently published report the Business Advantage Group (BAG) has released details about the current and future adoption habits of CAD users as they relate to 3D printing.

As part of the 2014 Worldwide CAD Trends Survey, BAG found that only 14% of surveyed CAD users worldwide had used a 3D printer. While the overall distribution of that percentage was skewed towards the Americas (26% used), Asia saw a surprisingly high level of adoption with 1 in 10 CAD techs having used an AM system.

When BAG’s survey was further analyzed the company found, unsurprisingly, that large company’s employed the manufacturing tech to a greater degree (28%) than medium (16%) or small (6%) firms.

While the BAG survey was solely directed at CAD users, BAG’s CEO Chris Turner believed a wider level of 3D printer adoption is in the making. “Of course this survey is with users of CAD technology so it is only predicting growth related to that audience whereas 3D Printing has other applications (e.g. so called additive manufacturing), so its overall market growth is probably higher than this survey is predicting.”

Although BAG’s survey does predict that 32% of CAD users will use a 3D printer for the first time in the next 5 years, the industry still has a lot of work to do when it comes to brand recognition. “Perhaps less encouraging for 3D Printer manufacturers is the very low brand recognition among CAD users – the majority could not name their brand of 3D Printer.”

As a group, CAD users will likely be the most immediate adopters of additive manufacturing technology. With one foot already in the digital manufacturing door, designers probably aren’t representative of the general public, however, they do represent a vanguard that can engage others and help spur on further adoption of 3D printing by consumers interested in their products.

Images Courtesy of BAG