CAD Schroer updates its piping package for Creo. What’s new in the 2.2 update?

A screenshot of M4 ISO Isometric for PTC Creo.
Cambridge, England-based CAD Schroer has announced the availability of M4 ISO Isometric for PTC Creo Piping 2.2. As you can no doubt surmise, M4 ISO is a pipe creation package that can automatically create piping isometric drawings from 3D pipeline model data. Beyond its automated drawing creation features, M4 ISO will also populate a drawing with critical dimensions, diagram notes and parts lists.
“The unscaled approach is key,” says Mark Simpson, product line manager at CAD Schroer, “because it enables us to depict pipe spools of all sizes, lengths and complexities on a single sheet. This cannot be achieved using a normal scaled drawing of the 3D pipeline model.”
M4 ISO has also been enhanced to accommodate a complete bill of materials for a piping project, and can itemize all of the components that will be needed to build a line as well as calculate a list of piping spools that will need to be manufactured prior to project kickoff.
In addition to drawing, M4 ISO 2.2 has been given a bit more smarts. Now the software has been equipped with a set of default isometric symbols that the software can put in place of unknown components or piping schemas. By making these areas of a piping scheme immediately visible, drafters can quickly add symbols to complete a drawing.
Finally, 2.2 now has the ability to build a scaled isometric view of a 3D pipeline model, which can be added to a piping drawing, making diagrams much easier to comprehend by both management and the team of installation techs that will be fitting a piping plan.