C3D Labs, Moscow, Russia, released C3D Vision 2019 visualization module, a part of C3D Toolkit for developers of engineering software. C3D Vision operates with polygonal models and is responsible for drawing visual scenes in 3D applications.
The 2019 release is integrated more closely with the C3D Modeler geometric kernel. To automatically generate scene graphs based on mathematical models, developers call just one function.
The multi-threading support found in C3D Toolkit is also implemented in C3D Vision 2019. There is an option to calculate polygonal models for visualization objects (based on mathematical representations of the geometry) in synchronous or multithreading mode. Searching objects and drawing is also performed in either of these two modes.
The new version of the 3D engine quickly and easily creates modern 3D design projects. Together with the C3D Toolkit’s other software development modules – the geometric kernel, a parametric solver, and file converters – C3D Vision provides CAD developers with a solution for constructing, editing, displaying, and converting geometry.
C3D Vision 2019 new functions include:
• PMI. The module implements three aspects of product and manufacturing information (PMI): linear, diametrical, and angular dimensions. In turn, dimensions may be applied with measurement tools.
• Slots and signals are now the primary form of communication between C3D Vision objects. The enhancement reduces the amount of source code needed to interact with geometric objects and their corresponding representations, as well as to interact with camera control processes and to update rendering frames.
• Metadata provides additional information about C3D Vision objects. It helps to find the name of an object and its properties, and to check whether objects inherit certain classes.
• Native events is the new and simplified event model in C3D Vision. It handles events from input devices, such as the mouse and keyboard, and can be used to override other devices.
• Object detection now generates signals as the mouse moves, and identifies the object pointed to by the cursor. A structure that lists the identities of objects found by the cursor is transferred to the slot. Using the identifiers, developers can search for objects or their primitives as mathematical representations.
• Cutting Plane tool now performs cross sections using OpenGL, which gives quicker results. (This replaces the older method of modifying the topology of solid sections.) The tool can make sections with several planes and closes the cutting point. A material can be specified for each section plane separately.
With the 2019 release, the architecture of the Vision engine has undergone changes, giving customers the opportunity to create objects, as well as write processes for creating and editing objects.
One such customer is the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF of ROSATOM, which uses C3D Vision together with the C3D Modeler’s geometric kernel and C3D Converter to develop products for computer-aided engineering and calculations.
The RFNC Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics (Snezhinsk) licensed C3D Toolkit in 2016. That was the year that they initiated in-house software development using C3D Toolkit for geometric modeling and import/export of finished geometry through exchange formats.
C3D Vision 2019 is available for free testing as part of the C3D Toolkit, or as a separate module.
C3D Labs