MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis has teamed up with Mazda in their new GameChanger ad campaign. According to Mazda, “”The Game Changers campaign will be a different approach to creative advertising from Mazda. Telling the story of Mazda’s past and the historical things they have done, the Game Changers campaign uses similar ground-breaking stories from individuals in history who did things differently, which resulted in in them rising above their competition”.
In the nearly two minute spot Bre highlights the spirit of ingenuity that drove him to create the MakerBot and what 3D printing technology means for the world at large. “The original industrial revolution meant that we were designing machines and they would go in factories and you went to work in factories. Now, the factory is on your desktop.” Pettis continues, “We’re at the dawn of the next industrial revolution and [the] game is on.”
Watch the Mazda Ad
Image Courtesy of Mazda