“Practical Structural Modeling with AECOsim Building Designer” for BIM
Bentley Institute Press publishes university textbooks as well as professional reference materials for building information modeling (BIM). This week the company announced the release of a new e-book for Kindle called “Practical Structural Modeling With AECOsim Building Designer.” The goal of the book is to provide engineers and designers with guides to navigate and understand AECOsim Building Designer, the proprietary software from Bentley Systems.
The book is coauthored by Evolve Consultancy Directors Nigel Davies and Daniel Heselwood, who have been creating BIM training workshops and developing courses for four decades. They have written the book with all levels of experience in mind. The book’s exercises range from explaining the functionality of AECOsim Building Designer (for absolute beginners) to learning the most efficient ways to manage BIM advancement and digital production on existing projects (for experts). Every task and exercise in the book is based on an actual building, and every chapter was designed to act as a reference guide if you prefer to skip the lessons.
According to Heselwood, “Our goal with the book is to help engineers become productive with the principles of BIM workflows in a short period of time. The methods, tools and best practices we discuss are all based on a real-world building project that was designed and built using these same techniques.”
“Practical Structural Modeling With AECOsim Building Designer” is basically a reference guide and instruction manual to help professionals as well as students in the infrastructure sector improve their technical knowledge and streamline their workflows.
Click here to order the Kindle edition of “Practical Structural Modeling With AECOsim Building Designer,” here to read an excerpt from the book and here to purchase a print copy.