I received Ping Fu’s new book, Bend, Not Break, on Saturday and completed reading it by Sunday afternoon. I just couldn’t put it down.
I’m sure you will do the same. The story is engrossing and at times unbelievable. But be forewarned, this is an autobiography in its truest sense. There are no recipes for business success or technical discussions. Yet, you will walk away with guiding principles that could make you a better person.
While few will ever experience the extreme highs and lows of her life and none will ever follow her path, Ping’s story will cause you to ponder the less-than-desirable traits within that cause us to break. My copy of the book is now dog-eared to bring me back to relevant and poignant stories from which I can improve.
I especially enjoyed Ping’s view of life’s journey as traveling across a mountain range. Rather than reaching a peak and declaring success, she shows through her life story that our journeys include summiting mountains then tumbling into valleys as we attempt to do more.
I’ve met Ping on several occasions and have heard bits and pieces of her life story. Those bits gave me an immense respect for Ping. But when I read the whole story, respect became awe and amazement.
Buy Bend, Not Break. Read it and then pass it on to others that you respect, cherish and love.