Education constantly comes up as one of the challenges impeding the greater implementation of 3D printing / Additive manufacturing (3DP/AM). Unless you are in your 20s or can go back to school, your education on how to best use these machines and systems will be from your own experimentation.
But there is another way. Many people in the 3DP/AM industry have more than 25 years experience in working with these systems, from the initial early versions to the ones we have today. They have gone through the trials, the mistakes, and they have a number of successes.
On Make Parts Fast, we are introducing a regular feature that will deliver videos, podcasts, and articles that will offer tips, advice, how to information, and other educational material to help you increase your skill and understanding of 3DP/AM.
And if you have questions, please pass them along and we will do our best to find the answers.
Leslie Langnau