Autodesk Revit Introduces New Features in 2016

Nick Bowley of IMAGINiT Technologies walks through some of his favorite features.

Autodesk Revit 2016 introduces a host of new features and in the video below, we’ll take a look at some of my favorites.

Feature #1

By right-clicking a view on a sheet, users can select “Open Sheet” to take you to that sheet. By highlighting several elements and then selecting the “Selection Box” button located under “Modify Fabrication Parts,” users can create a 3D selection box around the items highlighted.

Feature #2

Revisions, found under “View,” now have a little more flexibility.

Revisions can be organized alphanumerically by selecting the “Alphanumeric” option within the “Customizing Numbering Options” window after clicking on the Revisions button. Through this option, Revisions can be labeled A1, AA, etc., to fit the user’s needs. Prefixes can also be added to these designations under the “Numeric” categorization option.

Feature #3

In Revit 2016, instead of having separate buttons for Building Element Mode versus Conceptual Mass Mode, now there is an option to run both at the same time.

Under the “Energy Settings” option menu, users can open the Analysis dropdown menu and select “Use Conceptual Masses and Building Elements” to select them simultaneously.

Feature #4

Users can also select the “Show Energy Model” button to the far right of the program window, under the “Analyze” toolbar. This will show users the analytical surfaces for the model inside of Revit, instead of sending it out to Green Building Studio.

With this feature on, users can analyze their surfaces and see what they’re getting before exporting their energy model for analysis.

When running the analysis or creating those analytical surfaces, it will create two schedules for you: one for analytical spaces and another for analytical surfaces. The analytical surfaces are broken down by surface type or space type within these schedules.

To continue learning more about the newest features in Autodesk Revit 2016, continue watching and reading with part two and part three of this series. 

To learn more about Autodesk Rivet 2016 and for more tutorial videos on this and other programs, visit

About the Author

With more than a decade of experience, Nick Bowley works with clients to help them make the most of their design technology. Whether it’s though training, process improvements or custom content creation, Nick pulls on his background in architectural and MEP design, as well as construction to provide the best service to clients.