Autodesk has released a new version of its BIM software Revit, which was shaped largely by user feedback.

On April 11, Autodesk released the newest version of its building information modeling (BIM) software, Revit 2019. The new program draws heavily on user feedback, which were solicited through the company’s Revit Ideas Pages. According to a recent statement released by Revit’s News Desk,”As detailed in the public Revit Road Map, Autodesk’s goal is to shape and evolve Revit to support its customers’ work across the full project lifecycle.” “Software development is aligned across three areas: Design … Optimize … Connect.”
Many of Revit’s new features are linked to the software’s “Design” Objective: making sure that users can create designs that better match their design intent. The most popular request on the Revit Ideas Page, which became a reality in this newest iteration, was adding an “or” variable to layer filters.
Revit 2019 lets users look at layers with multiple rule sets, including both “and” and “or” conditions, making it easier to filter layers. The new Revit also lets users display and edit levels while in 3D mode, control and organize their tabs, and use the software with two monitors simultaneously. Finally, Revit 2019 lets users display materials in more lifelike quality, due to the new double-fill patterns and a library of more realistic renderings of textures for materials like carpets, glass and leather.
The new version of Revit also makes it easier to make complicated railings and pipe networks. Users can now “split” railings, giving them more control over their paths. They can also make and analyze pipe networks in-app, including analyzing pump output and water pressure from prospective designs.
Revit 2019 developers also focused on allowing teams to connect, working together across domains, languages and countries. The new system is compatible with steel fabrication tool Advance Steel, giving users an easier way to cooperate with fabricators. In addition, the rebar shapes are more realistic. There’s also better connectivity for German-speaking countries.
Even so, there’s still one group of people who will have difficulty connecting to Revit 2019: Mac users. Currently, Revit is still a PC-only program, with Macusers required to use Boot Camp or Parallels as a work-around. In an interview with Architosh, Building Design Products Director Chris Yanchar said that developing a version of Revit for Mac isn’t popular enough to be a high priority. On the Revit Ideas Page, Revit for Mac has 109 likes (as compared to 1,095 likes for “adding an “or” function in the filter rules”). For now, Mac users will have to continue relying on Autodesk’s support staff for help bridging that gap.