SolidWorks scored quite a coup having James Cameron, creator of hit
movie Avatar, keynote at their annual user conference. This chafed many at Autodesk,
as it was
Autodesk software that was responsible for the creation of many of the special
effects the movie is already famous for. Autodesk had made sure everyone who
attended their annual user meeting knew that. In fact, a 20 minute exclusive
about the making of the movie was one of Autodesk University’s highlights. But
they didn’t get the man himself.
SolidWorks says they signed up Cameron to speak before Avatar became a hit.
They got lucky. A few questioned Cameron’s lack to direct connection to
SolidWorks software but most who heard him speak, both at the keynote and at the
ensuing press conference, came away impressed by his technical knowledge.
SolidWorks does that — get really interesting speakers regardless of their
affiliation. I met Steve Wozniak, founder of Apple, at a previous SolidWorks
World. Nothing to do with SolidWorks but meeting him sure impressed my kids.
Lest the thunder be stolen in its entirely,
Avatar: Autodesk Software Core to Realization of James Cameron’s Creative Vision.
James Cameron is apparently loath to endorse software himself, but Autodesk did
get a quote from the digital effects supervisor of Lightstorm Entertainment.