Autodesk Delivers HSMWorks 2014 to Solidworks Users

Autodesk delivers on its promise to continue developing CAM solutions that appeal to a broad range of users regardless of their CAD choice, and opens the door to new and enhanced CNC simulation with the release of HSMWorks 2014.

The smell of coolant,

the metal chips stuck to the soles of your paddies,

spilling your day-can of waste onto the floor instead of into the reclamation bin.

Some things just can’t be simulated, but thankfully with HSMWorks 2014, Autodesk delivers on its promise to continue developing CAM solutions that appeal to a broad range of users regardless of their CAD choice and opens the door to new and enhanced CNC simulation.

HSMWorks 2014 is available to existing Solidworks 2012 (or newer) users and comes in three tiers:

  • HSMWorks 2014 Professional includes support for 2.5D, 3D and 3+2 Milling and 2D Turning applications.
  • HSMWorks 2014 Premium supports 2.5D, 3D, 3+2, and 5-Axis (or Multi-axis) Milling and 2D Turning.
  • HSMXpress 2014 includes support for 2.5D milling only.

Highlights of the release include:

  • Machine Simulation – Support has been added for a wider range of machine types including 5-axis machining centers. Utilization of native SolidWorks assemblies means users are able to model their machines right inside SolidWorks software without having to import STLs or dumb solids.
  • HSMWorks API – The new API provides users with the ability to automate many programming tasks such as toolpath generation and post processing.
  • Adaptive Clearing 2.0 – Adaptive Clearing has set the bar for efficient, high volume material removal using a strategy of constant tool engagement to reduce cycle times, tool and machine wear, and produce quality finished parts. Enhanced multi-core support and improved linking make Adaptive Clearing 2.0 the most advanced adaptive roughing technology to date.
  • Enhanced Turning support – New options have been added giving users greater control over toolpath creation including finer controls over leads and transitions, overlaps, roughing, and finishing passes. Additionally, turning toolpaths have been optimized to reduce machining time by improving linking and ordering, as well as control over home and retract positions.