Back on May 7, 2013, Autodesk teased the AutoCAD WS community with news regarding a new name and “some exciting time coming.” Today marks the official day of the announcement. AutoCAD WS has been renamed to AutoCAD 360 in order to align with Autodesk’s existing “360” family of products.
Back on May 7, 2013, Autodesk teased the AutoCAD WS community with news regarding a new name and “some exciting time coming.” Today marks the official day of the announcement. AutoCAD WS has been renamed to AutoCAD 360 in order to align with Autodesk’s existing “360” family of products.
AutoCAD 360 will remain a free app for the time being (12 million people agree it’s a good price), but the name change also opens the door to a paid-for “Pro” version. From my understanding, you can download the free version from iTunes or Google Play and then upgrade from within the app. (Compare the difference in features between the free and pro versions.)
Being able to take your drawings anywhere sounds like a success story waiting to be turned case study. For a nominal monthly fee, being able to edit and create those drawings on a mobile device may be that eminent deal breaker for some, especially when working at remote job sites. The name change itself is not big news, but options for growth of this application and integration into the 360 family imply a huge potential for AutoCAD 360.
For more details about the change: