On March 29 AUGI CAD Camp rolled into the Renton Technical College in Seattle, WA. Some of the classes offered at the Seattle CAD Camp included:
Revit Family Creation – Instructor: Eugene O’Day, The PPI Group
The Magic of the INtersection Wizard – Instructor: Kevin Faraca and Kevin Closson, The PPI Group
Implementing iLogic – Instructor: Paul Harrison, Imaginit Technologies
Here are the top ten Top DAUGs from Seattle:
- Alex Lepeska
- Tim DeLano
- Michael Fishbaugher
- Mark Scoville
- Brian Gerst
- Brian Walker
- Lou Montgomery
- R. Robert Bell
- Cory Clark
- Lisa Auth
Congratulations to each of our Top DAUGs in Seattle, and a special thanks to our local sponsors; the PPI Group and Imaginit Technologies for their support.