At what temperature can hdpe butt fusion weld can stand?

At what temperature can hdpe butt fusion weld can stand?

Hi, can i ask what is the allowable working temperature of a HDPE drain.

Without knowing the specific HDPE resins involved it is very difficult to give a good answer. According to a general technical data sheet on HDPE on [1] HDPE has a wide range of air service temperatures from 70C to 120C.

Niel Leon
Community Developer –


Without knowing the particular resins that is used for the tubing or as the welding rod, it is impossible to say. With water at 60C to 80C, my initial reaction would be that you are marginal on temperature range.

Beyond that I can not provide any more guidance.


hi neil, we are using the hdpe as a drain (gravity flow). the medium the flows on it is hot water 60-80 deg C.

When I say resin, I am talking about the specific grade and type of HDPE. HDPE has such wide range of service temperatures that you need to know the technical details for that specific grade or resin.

Maximum Service Temperature, Air 70.0 – 120 °C 158 – 248 °F

Some types will easily achieve the temperatures you have, other will not even before fusion welding. Fusion welding will drop the service temperature slightly.


hi neil,

we only joint the pipe end end using a heating plate, we didn’t use any resin on it just pure fusion weld. Can fusion welding affect its property regarding temp it can handle.

and also where i can search for the proper procedure in HDPE fusion welding.
