An academic program that promises to transform the future of BIM in the classroom could close the gap between classroom lectures and real-life implementation
Assemble Systems is a building information modeling (BIM) data management software company headquartered in Houston, TX. The Assemble software is a cloud-based platform for the AEC industry that allows increased project insight, advanced project collaboration and data-driven decision making by utilizing BIM data. Assemble’s website describes it as a “web-based solution that lets you extract data, add intelligence and collaborate in real-time to make better decisions and deliver projects on time and in budget.”

Assemble recently announced “a new academic program that will transform the future of BIM in the classroom. Assemble will offer free software licenses to qualifying students and instructors to help bridge the gap between classroom lectures and real-life implementation in the field.” Assemble has done this to give AEC students a chance to get ahead of the game by helping them understand how the Assemble software can help with BIM model data management. It also gives the instructors the opportunity to create an exciting curriculum that will give students more than just lectures, as students get an exposure to what real-life implementations and careers in the field will actually be like.
Some of Assemble’s abilities:
- View any Revit model in a Web browser
- Create a complete data inventory of design models within minutes
- Open and access project information from anywhere
- Easily access, condition and sync data to leverage BIM software investments
- Improve project controls, project margins and project outcomes that save time and win more jobs
- Share BIM data with a multitude of individuals
Being a CAD manager responsible for hiring, this is definitely exciting news. It has always been a challenge bridging the gap between the education environment and the actual real-world work environment when hiring a recent graduate. More recently, it’s become even more challenging to find students who have a good understanding of BIM. Assemble has taken a great step in the right direction to address these challenges.