Anyone here working for the military? Which branch best supports chemical engineering?

Anyone here working for the military? Which branch best supports chemical engineering?

I am betting it is the Navy, because I assume that the Air Force deals mostly with aerospace and mechanical engineering.


I am not currently involved with the military in any form, but I have been in the past. Actually all the services need significant support from chemical engineers. Below are a number of random links for the three main (Air Force, Army, and Navy). It is hard to say which one would provide the best support. Also do not forget the Coast Guard and the Marines.

I would suggest that all the services would have more mechanical engineers than chemical engineers. The Air Force would have more aerospace engineers and the Navy would have more Ocean Engineers, but all do have a significant need for Chemical Engineers and the opportunity in each of them would be excellent you are interested in combining a career in the military and a focus on Chemical Engineering.

Niel Leon
Community Developer –

with BSChe, I went into USAF. They took a little while but after a lot of tech training I became a Missile and Nuclear Weapons Safety Manager – program development, teaching, traveling inspector. In retrospect, it was most valuable but I doubt if it would have been satisfying over a career. I got out after 4 years and went to grad school a wisedr person. Negotiate up-front. After they get you, all bets are off about your career track and assignments.