ANSYS and PTC join forces to bring real-time simulation to Creo users.
Fans of ANSYS Discovery Live will be pleased to learn that PTC Creo users will soon be able to use Discovery Live within PTC Creo thanks to a new partnership recently announced by ANSYS and PTC.
The announcement was made during the recent LiveWorx 18 event, where audience members were treated to a demonstration of the collaborative effort.
You may recall our hands-on review of ANSYS Discovery Live from a couple of month’s back, where we heaped praise upon Discovery Live’s real-time simulation capability and funky-looking graphics.

“With the combined solution, engineers will be able to see the real-time results of simulation during the modeling process, enabling them to understand design changes in their models. This capability has the potential to dramatically improve engineering productivity and quality, and the combined solution can be a differentiator in the market,” said Jim Heppelmann, president and CEO of PTC. “Partnering with ANSYS makes tremendous sense on every level.”
The new partnership means that PTC Creo users will have access to all that real-time simulation goodness, including instantaneous static structural, thermal and modal simulation. In the future, ANSYS and PTC plan to integrate the full scope of Discovery’s capabilities into Creo, allowing super-enhanced productivity and smaller design iteration cycles thanks to on-the-fly simulation that provides visualizations and analysis as 3D models change.
“ANSYS is the global leader in engineering simulation, and Discovery Live is the latest example of our innovation in action. By embedding ANSYS Discovery Live into Creo, we will expand our audience to include design engineers—who will be able to design at the speed of thought,” said Ajei Gopal, president and CEO of ANSYS. “The power of simulation will now readily be provided to engineers as they make thousands of decisions and model explorations, providing them with unprecedented insight into their design choices.”
The combined solution will be sold by PTC as part of the Creo product suite.
This announcement continues the relationship between PTC and ANSYS, which was disclosed last year with a solution that connects ANSYS Twin Builder to the ThingWorx Industrial Innovation Platform from PTC.
In addition to integrating Discovery Live into Creo, ANSYS plans to add ANSYS AIM into Creo as well.
Creo users will be able to access Discovery Live within their software in early 2019. Until then, Creo users can familiarize themselves with the stand-alone version of Discovery Live by downloading the trial version over at this link.