Boulder, CO. – Anark Corporation and Analytical Graphics, Inc.(AGI) announced that Anark has been approved as an AGI Affiliated Product Partner due to the complementary nature of the companies’ products and solutions.
The Anark Core™ Platform is an innovative software solution that easily transforms 3D CAD data for import into STK for simulation applications. This significantly reduces the time and effort AGI software users currently spend manually preparing their 3D CAD models into appropriate forms for use with STK.
Anark Core can provide high-precision B-rep or lightweight 3D tessellated mesh output, and has several de-featuring tools, allowing for quick part, hole, and fillet removal. It rapidly converts to-and-from all major 3D CAD formats. The entire conversion process is stored in a “recipe” and can be automated, eliminating costly manual re-work when designs change.
Anark Core 1.1 exports CAD data into COLLADA files, which STK supports as an import format. Anark has also developed a range of expert features into Anark Core for STK users, which will be released in a future version of the product.
::Design World::
Source: :: Design World ::