An Insect for Urban Transportation

Moovee Innovations is bringing The Ultimate Urban Transport to Kickstarter.

Moovee Innovations has launched a Kickstarter campaign for The Ultimate Urban Transport. The Kickstarter page relays the statistic that the average number of persons occupying a car is 1.59, and has designed their Insecta vehicle to reflect single-driver operation.

The Insecta takes styling inspiration from the animal world, and boasts low cost with cutting edge technology. As an electric vehicle the Insecta has zero CO2 emissions. The small vehicular footprint was designed with urban growth and the need for throughput in mind.

The design team has given a great deal of thought to customization, hoping to give the user the same options at personalizing their vehicle as we currently have when customizing our smartphones. Color and design options will be available at the initial offering with a wide array of apps coming to plug into the ecosystem later.

The chassis has received the most prototyping work at this point.  The design goals are to weigh less than 1000 pounds (450 kg) and to be less than two meters long. There are four exo-limbs on the Insecta, allowing the vehicle to lean while steering, attempting to offer an ATV maneuverability. Carbon fiber reinforced plastic is tapped to be the material for  of the chassis.

A hybrid lithium ion battery is planned to meet the torque needs and create high regenerative returns. Electronics systems are split into two categories: safety electronics for collision detection, pedestrian detection and blind spot detection, and infotainment electronics for cellular connectivity, video cameras and applications.

Moovee is full of great ideas and moving quickly toward more advanced prototype stages. However, this Kickstarter campaign needs some work. The video is only forty eight seconds and hits random ideas included in the page’s text. Showcasing the prototype, the possibilities for customization, and the innovative solutions to the problems they’re trying to solve would better serve this funding round.