Additive Manufacturing Users Group’s (AMUG) is getting near, so what can you expect during the sessions? Here's a rundown.
The Additive Manufacturing Users Group’s (AMUG) preliminary conference agenda reveals that the event will provide over 200 presentations in the span of four days. With up to 12 concurrent sessions, conference attendees can select from technology-focused, vendor-focus, industry-focused or application-focused discussions.
According to the program developers, Gary Rabinovitz and Elizabeth Goode, the presenters will share information that helps additive manufacturing/3D printing practitioners improve operations, tackle new applications and make well-informed decisions. The agenda also includes roundtable discussions for collaboration on the needs of and opportunities in advanced applications for the aerospace and medical industries, among others. Building from its 2014 success, the event will also feature a track on metal additive manufacturing that covers operations and the transition from prototyping tools to end-use parts.
The session tracks for the 2015 conference include:
– Metal additive manufacturing
– Casting (metal)
– Materials
– Business considerations
– Education
– Aerospace
– Medical
– Transportation
– Entertainment
– 3D scanning
– Concept to manufacturing
– Fused deposition modeling
– PolyJet
– Stereolithography
– Laser sintering
– Laser melting
For hands-on experience, the agenda also offers workshops on topics like hydrographic printing, silicone rubber molding and sand casting. Software training and SME’s additive manufacturing certificate program are also slated.
The AMUG Conference kicks off with the AMUGexpo, which will feature 77 exhibitors. The conference will be held in Jacksonville, Florida from April 19 – 23, 2015. View the preliminary agenda here.