AMT Introduces Digital Manufacturing System

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Ltd (AMT) launched its proprietary Digital Manufacturing System (DMS). AMT will be demonstrating the capabilities of its DMS on Booth E61 in Hall 12.1.

The DMS provides a holistic and automated solution for every stage of the manufacturing workflow, including:

• Unpacking the AM machine
This technology platform incorporates a proprietary fluidized bed and and provides automated sorting capabilities to free up the bottle neck that traditionally requires extensive manual intervention at this stage of the workflow.

• De-powdering & material removal: PostPro3DDP
AMT has developed the PostPro3DDP system — a dedicated de-powdering solution for polymer powder-bed AM processes. This automated de-powdering and handling system is modular and does not involve any blasting media or material contamination. It further reduces manual intervention in the process chain, which at this stage of the workflow involves considerable safety precautions and PPE equipment due to the fine powders involved.

• Smoothing and/or coloring: PostPro3D / PostPro3DColor / PostPro3DMini
The PostPro3D, including the Mini and the Color options, are AMT’s flagship products that can standalone as an automated solution for finishing 3D printed parts. However, they leverage even greater value as part of the DMS from AMT.

• Inspection
The final part of the equation addressed by AMT within the DMS is a fully automated inline inspection system for quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC). The PostPro3DMet is an advanced machine learning metrology system, developed in conjunction with the University of Nottingham.

Each of these stages of the process chain are digitally connected to ensure full efficiencies are realized through integration and advanced robotic technologies to provide a complete end-to-end manufacturing solution.