Altair, Where Do I Put My Strain Gauge?

Strain gauge placement software comes to HyperWorks through the Altair Partner Alliance

LW Finder runs FEA results through an algorithm to find the optimal locations for strain gauges.

LW Finder runs FEA results through an algorithm to find the optimal locations for strain gauges.

Altair has announced that LW Finder is now available through HyperWorks through the Altair Partner Alliance (APA) of third-party software providers. LW Finder is a software that can optimize strain gauge placements for accurate and controlled structural load measurements. This addition will help automotive and heavy equipment engineers to better prepare for their physical tests.

The software works by running various FEA results, based on differing load cases, through internal algorithms. The algorithms point out locations in the design that experience high stress and rank these locations based on the number of load cases the location is affected by. By placing the gauges at locations affected by fewer load cases, the less noise and crosstalk you will see between the gauges.

Therefore, LW Finder can locate the optimal locations for strain gauges even in complex objects under multiple load cases. The load cases can be weighed in the algorithm so that the gauges are placed to minimize error for certain tests.

The software can then predict the standard deviation these gauges will encounter before physical testing starts. This will allow engineers to gather their information more accurately with fewer testing attempts. In turn, this should reduce testing failures, costs and time to market.

“Common issues encountered by engineers include noisy data and misleading results when using strain gauges to measure structural loads,” said Shea Wilson, co-founder of LW Engineering Software.

“We identified this gap and consequently developed LW Finder to determine optimal strain gauge placement and predict measurement errors to dramatically improve the quality of the measured data,” said Wilson. “We chose the Altair Partner Alliance to help bring LW Finder to market as we have always relied upon them for easy access to world-class engineering software.”

LW Finder can work with non-linear behavior and individual strain measurements when predicting the optimal locations for the gauges. However, LW Finder is often used for structures with relative linear relationships between load and strain.

“LW Finder is unique because it is able to identify the ideal placement for strain gauges in complex situations,” said Rajiv Rampalli, vice president of development for HyperWorks at Altair. “Altair’s customers can use this information directly in complex finite-element and multi-body simulations to predict accurate stresses on components during their operation and improve their performance.”

LW Finder appears to be a natural fit for the Internet of Things (IoT) and for the digital twin that links real-world data to digital models. For example, companies looking to link CAD/CAE models with products in the real world will need to include gauges to collect real-world data. They can then send this data to the product designers, through the IoT, to better optimize their designs. Having a program that determines the optimial locations of strain gauges can help to improve this process by determining the fewest amount of gauges needed to collect the data.

Perhaps Altair is looking to join the IoT and digital twin movement in the future? Comment below.

Written by

Shawn Wasserman

For over 10 years, Shawn Wasserman has informed, inspired and engaged the engineering community through online content. As a senior writer at WTWH media, he produces branded content to help engineers streamline their operations via new tools, technologies and software. While a senior editor at, Shawn wrote stories about CAE, simulation, PLM, CAD, IoT, AI and more. During his time as the blog manager at Ansys, Shawn produced content featuring stories, tips, tricks and interesting use cases for CAE technologies. Shawn holds a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Guelph and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.