Makers of CAD/CAE solutions solidThinking and HyperWorks join Modelica community for multi-domain simulation.
Modelica forms a central part of the modeling and simulation engine in MapleSim. (Image courtesy of Maplesoft.)
As an advanced system-level modeling and simulation tool MapleSim, from Maplesoft, helps experts in a variety of engineering fields reduce development risk and bring high-quality products to market faster with greater insight during the development process.
This week, Maplesoft announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Altair––creator of HyperWorks and solidThinking––to become an OEM for Modelica. Maplesoft’s Modelica is a non-proprietary, object-oriented, system-level, equation-based modeling language engine. Altair will embed the MapleSim Modelica Engine to support its own model-based system development strategy and to focus on multi-physics simulation solutions.
Through leveraging the MapleSim Modelica Engine, Altair will be able to make use of the benefits of the flexible Modelica multi-domain framework and community. This will make it easier for Altair customers to incorporate components from different domains into system-level models. These Modelica models and components are open and can be modified, making them easy to reuse, customize and extend.
Additionally, the partnership will enable users to gain access to the growing ecosystem of highly-specialized Modelica-based components that contain valuable technical knowledge.
Users of the MapleSim Modelica Engine will also be able to easily access the underlying Modelica code for any component or subsystem, allowing them to customize and expand their modeling capabilities and gain deeper insight into system behavior.
“Maplesoft is a huge believer in the Modelica standard and Altair’s adoption of Modelica is a clear indication of the growth of this community worldwide,” said Laurent Bernardin, executive vice president and chief scientist at Maplesoft. “Modelica forms a central part of the modeling and simulation engine in MapleSim. The combination of Modelica with the symbolic computation power of MapleSim enables a level of understanding, power, and extensibility that is not possible with other tools.”
“We are very excited to actively participate and contribute to the growing Modelica community,” added Michael Hoffmann, senior vice president of Math and Systems at Altair. “We believe our users will greatly benefit from the use of Modelica in their product design and development efforts, enabling them to efficiently develop innovative products. We found the MapleSim Modelica engine to be the ideal fit based on its strong multi-domain simulation capabilities, large number of high-quality component libraries and the powerful Maple engine for symbolic computing.”
To learn more about MapleSim’s libraries read: MapleSim Releases 1D Simulation Library for Pneumatic Systems.
About the Author
Simon Martin is a writer and industrial designer in New York City.