I have been looking at different ways to improve visibility of not only my blog (posting regularly helps), but also a project that I have undertaken while working on my daily project load. If you have not heard yet, I have recently helped to start the AutoCAD Wiki Beta at http://wikihelp.autodesk.com. My hope is that the AutoCAD Wiki becomes a hub for sharing learning resources (tips, videos, and how to’s), and to become a collaborative system to tackle such topics as migrating between different releases of AutoCAD. When it comes to migration, there is such a huge and diverse pool of knowledge out there that it would be great to tap into and make the ultimate resource for all to use.
As you might have noticed, the latest crazy on the Internet is to feel more connected rather than a series of islands. To be connected is to be human; so in a way the human element is starting to come through the Internet.
For those reasons, I have added AddThis and LinkWithin to my blog. AddThis allows you to easily share a blog entry with one of the many available social networking tools available whether you use Twitter, Facebook, or something else. To share a blog entry, simply scroll to the bottom of the blog posting and click the Permalink link. Then on the blog entry page, mouse over the Share link and click one of the social networking options. Follow any on-screen prompts to share the blog posting with others.
LinkWithin provides a set of topic links for each blog posting. These related topic links come from past blog postings on my blog which you might find of interest.
I hope these additions to the blog help make your visit much more enjoyable.