A Science Project for Today’s Classrooms: Part 2

A Science Project for Today's Classrooms.

  First, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Marie Maier, a retired teacher, who helped me create a lesson plan that was coherent and that followed a more professional format.  My own first attempt was not that great but I never had to do one before.  Thank you Marie for all your help here.

                                                   LESSON PLAN

Curriculum Reference: for the 6th to 10th grade levels.

Exploring mechanics with a 3D construction of a Block and Fall design applying math, studying measurements, weights and balance.


Working with; importance of precision in measurements, alignment and construction techniques.

Learning to work in teams; experience as being both leader and team worker

Personal evaluations of what was experienced: leadership and worker roles.


A. Week 1: Basic Introduction

1.    Introduction to the unit;  outcome to be determined; general directions 

2.    Timed test determining student ability to follow directions and a review.

B. Week 2: Preparation of Parts Begun

       1. Formation of teams.

       2. Correctly using ruler, pencil and straight edge.

       3. Sketching out all shapes; checking correct number of parts.



C. Week 3: Preparing Assembly Parts Continued

        1. Reviewing importance of following directions.

        2. Continue working on parts for assembly

        3. Switching leadership/Worker roles

        4. Continue working on parts for assembly.


  D. Week 4: Cutting, Sanding Parts


1.    Leadership roles changed.

2.    Cut out parts are lightly sanded and smoothed.

3.    Begin gluing prepared parts together.

4.    Leaders check that work areas are properly cleaned.

E. Week 5: Starting to Assemble the Mechanism

        1.  Leadership roles changed.

        2.  Work continues as assemblies are put together.

        3. Students are monitored and assisted with proper working activity.


F. Week 6: Cutting, Gluing and Assembling


1.   Leadership roles changed.

2.   Student progress checked; models assisted where necessary.

3.   All students should be up to par in progress.

 G. Week 7: Roping Up the Pulleys  

       1. Review of attachment method.

       2. All projects finished and ready for testing.


 H. Week 8: Testing


Materials needed : Scissors, good rulers, sharp pencils, pre-cut foam

board pieces, pulley rope, 4 sheets of paper per full assembly, gum

erasers, Elmer’s Glue.


Testing will be done on procedures used in making the project, some math quizzes and a short essay on where we can go from here.

Web Site References:



