A rarity: a grammar error and a non-spelling error in AutoCAD 2011’s user interface

As a writer of 25 years, I know about the bane of spelling and grammar errors. But these are so rare in computer software that I was surprised by some issues in AutoCAD 2011, including one that was new to me.

A prompt in the new ChamferEdge command reads:

Select an edge belongs to the same face or [Loop/Distance]:

The prompt is missing the word "that." 

The new shortcut command for placing collinear geometric constraints is spelled GcCollinear — two Ls. Technical editor Bill Fane noticed that I misspelled it as GcColinear in my The Illustrated AutoCAD 2011 Quick Reference. He scribbled in the margin of the proof page, "I didn't say I liked it [with two Ls], that's just the way it is; verified by Word's spell program."

Something I never knew: collinear has two Ls — like vacuum uselessly has two Us. 

This does not, however, explain the inconsistency of Autodesk spelling the TableExport command and TablEdit commands with two and one Es, respectively!

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