Kubotek3D opens up the Kubotek Kosmos framework for licensing.

Kubotek3D, the developer of KeyCreator, announced that its new Kosmos 3D framework is now available for licensing. Kubotek Kosmos consists of several C/C++ software components meant to support developers of 3D design applications.
There are several modules in the Kubotek Kosmos framework, each of which can be licensed a la carte. These include:
- Kosmos Core Modeler (KCM): A geometric modeling module for specialized modeling, model interrogation, and basic solid and surface modeling. KCM supports incoming models built at different precision as first-class entities to simplify coding.
- Modeling: A boundary representation modeler.
- Translation Components: Provides translation between formats including STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, INP, DXF, ACIS SAT, Parasolid XT and Datakit.
- Graphics: A module for OpenGL hardware acceleration and memory, shading and custom line patterns.
- Compare: A module to compare different models.
- Usage Statistics Generator: Measures end-user function use.
- Product Licensing: A module for flexible application usage with hardware locking, activation and login.
The Kubotek Kosmos framework is platform independent, allowing application development across major operating systems. The framework is also built for a multi-threaded architecture to support systems with multiple processors. Finally, Kubotek Kosmos is designed to support data from all major CAD formats.
“The Kubotek Kosmos framework is different from other CAD platforms in that it was built by Kubotek from the ground up to fully support 3D data from every CAD platform,” said Kubotek3D CTO Ram Eswaran. “Databases like CATIA CGM, Parasolid (NX, SolidWorks) and Spatial ACIS each use a unique data structure to define complex surfaces. Moving those surfaces from one of those structures to another forces a conversion and potential loss of data. The Kubotek Kosmos framework includes all of those data structures to prevent loss of data.”