Fishman Corporation announces new SmartDispenser LC Fiber Optic Connector Benchtop Automation System.
Fishman Corporation has released its newest benchtop robot, the SmartDispenser LC Fiber Optic Connector Benchtop Automation System.

“The new automation system combines AirFree fluid dispenser technology, the patent pending LC Connector mount and the precision of our benchtop robot to provide the process control required to automate the fiber optic cable assembly process,” said Scott Beebe, president of Fishman Corporation.
AirFree fluid dispense technology helps eliminate rejected parts, rework processes and wasted fluid, thus increasing production yields.
The patent-pending LC Connector mount holds LC Connectors in a fixed position and the design of the system guides the fluid dispenser tip into the LC Connector center tube in preparation for application.
To learn more about the SmartDispenser LC Fiber Optic Connector Benchtop Automation System, visit