3DEO honors Women’s Month 2019, sponsors Women in 3D Printing

3DEO Inc., a Los Angeles-based metal 3D printing technology company, honors the contributions of women in the 3D printing industry in celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s Month.
In just over two years 3DEO has doubled in capacity delivering high-volume production metal 3D printing services. To maintain this rapid growth, 3DEO is committed to building the most qualified and diverse team from all backgrounds. 23% of 3DEO’s team is comprised of women, with roles ranging from manufacturing to marketing. This puts 3DEO well ahead of the 3D printing industry which averages 13% female in both technical and non-technical roles, according to the Women In 3D Printing (Wi3DP) Diversity for Additive Manufacturing #Q2 2018 Report.
“At 3DEO, we believe in diversity and equal opportunity,” said Matt Sand, 3DEO’s President and Co-Founder. “Our female workforce has been an integral part of our success to date. Recognizing the valuable contributions of the women on our team, we consciously work to foster a culture of inclusion. This team diversity is central to our core values and meaningfully contributes to our competitive advantage. We are thrilled to honor women in manufacturing by sponsoring Women in 3D Printing.”
In honor of the women who have helped make 3D printing the industry it is today, we want to highlight just a few of their achievements below:  

  • Lisa Crump co-Founded Stratasys with her husband Scott Crump in 1989
  • Marina Hatsopoulos founded Z-Corporation in 1994 and served as the first CEO
  • Adina Schorr led a period of tremendous growth as CEO of Objet Ltd. (now part of Stratasys) where she serves on the Board of Directors
  • Nora Toure founded Women in 3D Printing in 2014 to foster a more diverse industry

To celebrate Women’s Month and support this important constituency, 3DEO is sponsoring Wi3DP’s Los Angeles event in March. Join 3DEO at the event and help support this important cause. 3DEO’s marketing advisor, Cathy Lewis, former EVP and CMO of 3D Systems, will be hosting the event.

Wi3DP LA Chapter Meet-Up
Thursday, March 21st | 6-9PM
3DEO Inc.