On May 14, 2013, 3D Systems announced Geomagic Solutions.
(image courtesy of 3DSystems)
Shortly after the fury of the name change from Alibre Design to Geomagic Design, 3D Systems again throws a kink in the works of users trying to understand what’s in their future with all of the mergers and acquisitions 3D Systems has executed recently.
The latest barrage consists of the announcement of Geomagic Solutions. The press release is rather vague, and Geomagic’s website doesn’t add much meat to the story either.
Is it a bundle of existing software?
Is it a new application?
Is it finally the start of a consolidation of their dozen different software products into one (or at least few) uber applications?
I care not to speculate, but I certainly hope the tools built into each of these applications can be seamlessly combined to create a powerful and integrated design suite that users are hoping for.