3D Systems (NYSE:DDD) announced Geomagic® Control X software for 3D inspection and metrology.
3D Systems Geomagic Control X is intuitive software with a comprehensive and innovative toolset for the professional metrology process. It includes traceable, accurate and customizable reporting and analysis tools.
Key features include:
—New Synchronous and Assembly Inspection tools: Geomagic Control X enables fast, accurate, unordered inspection and automatically generates editable, history-based inspection trees for repeatable inspections. Expand inspections to full product assemblies with a complete range of measurement, tolerance stacking and other analysis tools.
—New User Interface: A refreshed user interface makes it easier to find and use the entire range of options for measuring and analyzing parts.
–New Walk-up Probing for greater productivity: Geomagic Control X now enables walk-up probing alongside pre-planned probing for fast results.
—Improved CAD-Aware Dimensioning, Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Support and Comprehensive Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) Callouts: Intuitive dimensioning based on CAD features delivers increased efficiency while advanced PMI and GD&T support facilitate results interpretation to keep all stakeholders on the same page.
–New Multiple Results Analysis: Simultaneous analysis using multiple results and mating parts for faster comparison, analysis and understanding of root causes behind existing production issues.
—New Custom Report Definition: Highly flexible report definition makes compiling unique data sets fast and simple.
—Repeatable Probing Processes with LiveInspect™: Build repeatability and reliability into your inspection processes with LiveInspect. Geomagic Control X allows you to pre-plan your inspection processes and reporting for portable CMMs, and execute them at a later date, again and again. Engineers can effortlessly switch between probing and scanning with a click of a button.
Geomagic Control X supports all industry-standard non-contact and optical scanners, and a range of portable probing and tactile devices. This software imports all major CAD file formats, including CATIA®, NX®, Creo®, Pro/ENGINEER®, SOLIDWORKS®, Solid Edge®, Autodesk Inventor® and more, in addition to PMI and GD&T data. All CAD importers are delivered at no additional cost. This software update is available to all active customers of 3D Systems’ Maintenance Program.
3D Systems