2008 Edition of COMSOL News Released

BURLINGTON, MA (April 14, 2008) — COMSOL, Inc. today announced that COMSOL News 2008, the newest edition of its technical magazine, is available immediately as a PDF download from the company’s website. A printed copy of the annual magazine is also available upon request. Both versions are free of charge.

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The 36-page COMSOL News 2008 covers a broad range of user-focused articles demonstrating how scientists, engineers, and researchers worldwide use the COMSOL Multiphysics® scientific software environment to model and simulate a variety of physics-based systems. Articles are organized by industry segments, including automotive, aerospace, bio-medical, clean energy design, engineering education, electricity, materials research, manufacturing, and semiconductor testing. Acoustics, electromagnetics, fluid-structure interaction, and structural integrity are among the fields of physics embraced. Dr. Dale Kipp of MatWeb provides a special guest commentary, “Materials Selection in the Information Age.”

“Clearing the Air: Life Support for Space Exploration,” the cover story, is a good example of the range of applications in the publication. This report, written by Jim Knox and David Howard, explains how the authors and their teammates on the Life Support Systems Development Team at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center use multiphysics in their research to develop crew cabin atmospheric revitalization systems robust enough for roundtrips to Mars. More down to earth, in “Electrochemical Machining in Appliance Manufacturing” Dr. Ir. Redmer Van Tijum explains the role multiphysics modeling plays as Royal Philips Electronics in The Netherlands refines electrochemical machining process parameters to make a better electric shaver.

Readers can also learn that product developers at ZINK Imaging in Massachusetts make full-color direct thermal printing a reality or how RocTools in France develops innovative rapid molding technologies for the composites industry. In all, COMSOL News 2008 has 15 major articles on the worldwide use of multiphysics as well as a number of departments, including tips and tricks from the COMSOL Support Desk and partner news.

To register for a free download of COMSOL News 2008 or the request a printed copy, go to the COMSOL website http://www.comsol.com/comsolnews/.


::Design World::