12 Ways to Attract Millennials Into Manufacturing

Attracting Millennials to manufacturing in the first place is probably actually the easy part of the equation.

Attracting Millennials to manufacturing in the first place is probably actually the easy part of the equation.

After all, we are all looking a job (or at least our parents hope we are).

However, finding millennial workers with the talent you need who will stick around for the long term, and then engaging this group to the point of productivity, is the part that requires a bit of finesse.

Millennials are often considered to be the largest and most misunderstood generation, and we have seen first-hand the challenges that can arise when companies try to connect with this new breed of employee.

Focusing on manufacturing, industrial and construction-related businesses, we have seen the challenges that these companies face when it comes getting good talent and keeping it. This is especially true when it comes to the newer generation.

But there is hope! This infographic from Motivated Monday covers 12 steps that will help your company move onto the right path when
it comes to getting the most out of your Millennials.



Caleb Bagwell

Caleb Bagwell is the Director of Financial Wellness and Education at Grinkmeyer Leonard Benefits Group.   He specializes in an employee education event series and corporate leadership training, and writes the
Motivated Monday blog.

He also provides investment management and financial guidance for individuals.  Caleb is certified as a member of the John Maxwell Leadership Team and speaks to groups on leadership and HR issues surrounding office communication and culture.