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Things you'd want your CAD Technician to know:
Last Post 02 Jan 2015 05:05 PM by Mariana T. Rench. 0 Replies.
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Mariana T. Rench
New Member
New Member

02 Jan 2015 05:05 PM
    Hello all.

    Just snagged a job at an engineering firm and I've just been given construction plans to 3d model and coordinate. My primary task is conflict avoidance and resolution, aside from making 2d drawings into 3d. I have NO background in engineering, however, and I often hit walls and have too many questions to ask my manager.

    My goals are to learn a basic understanding of mech engineering (how to notice if a plumbing or mech system is incomplete, engineering symbols, basic red flags for an ROI). Essentially, I'd like to be able to ask intelligent questions to the engineers at my firm when I hit a wall.

    Any tips or resources you guys know of? I'm scouring the depths of the internet for materials to put on flashcards, looking at home depot plumbing tutorials, but either finding too much information (don't really need to learn fluid dynamics I think) or not enough. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks.
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