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What are the differences between linear & non- linear loads? View All

15 years ago - 3 months left to answer. - 2 responses - Report Abuse
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rahul gopinath
In a linear circuit, the output response is directly proportional to the input. In an AC circuit, that means that the application of a sunusoidal voltage results in a sinusoidal current. As the instantanious voltage changes over the period of the sine wave, the instantanious current rises and falls in proportion to the voltage so that the waveform of the current is also a sine wave.

If a circuit is composed of ideal resistors, inductors and capacitors, it is a linear circuit because those components are linear. Real components can have some non-linearity because of non-linear characteristics such as the saturation of a magnetic circuit. There are degrees of linearity. AC motors are nearly linear. A motor's load current is a sine wave with only a little distortion.

A rectifier circuit with a capacitor filter is very non-linear. The capacitor is selected so that it remain charged to nearly the peak value of the AC input voltage. When the load is applied, the capacitor dischrges to

15 years ago


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Jake Banman
Depends if your talking electrical or structural. In structural it is used to calculate forces and equilibrium in beams.

In structural it is simple. A linear loads acts straight down on a point, forming a 90 degree angle with the beam or other construction member.

A non-linear load means the load is acting on the beam or other construction member at an angle. Take 35 degrees as an example:

If the load is acting at 35 degrees, we use the following two formulas.

Fx = P(Cos35) ---> force in horizontal direction
Fy = P(Sin35) ---> force in verticle dirrection

Lets say our load (P) is 15 KN(Kilo-newtons), then we use the two formulas above to calculate the force in both directions:

Fx = 15(Cos35)
Fx = 12.28

Fy = 15(Sin35)
Fy = 8.60

Once these are calculated, you can put the member into equilibrium.
Not sure which type you are talking about, but now you have both answers.

15 years ago

Source: Strength of Materials and Mechanics class. Got an A and a B respectively.

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